
Identifying what you need from GX Cloud: behind the scenes with Matthew Lundgren

Find out what Matthew is most excited for in GX Cloud, and more!

Erin Kapp
April 12, 2023
Get-to-know card with Matthew Lundgren's headshot, title, and the GX logo

Sooner or later, everyone involved with Great Expectations Cloud—building it or using it—talks to Matthew Lundgren.

Matthew is GX’s product specialist. That means he works closely with users from our community and our early GX Cloud adopters to understand their data quality needs and ensures their voices are heard and their feedback considered when it comes to what we build.

Currently, Matthew’s focus is GX Cloud. 

What about GX Cloud are you most excited for?

Bringing a product to our users that simplifies the conversation around data, so that teams can spend more time doing the fun stuff with that data.

What was your experience with data quality before you came to GX?

Mostly from the econometrics side of things, like cleaning up individual datasets before using them in any models or ensuring that interaction variables actually wound up in the intended formats.

How did having to do that data quality work impact the rest of your work? Did that experience affect your decision to join GX at all?  

Coding-wise I grew up in Stata, and there was no worse feeling than getting some stars of significance, checking your work, finding and fixing some data quality-related issue, and then seeing those stars drift away. The GX focus on taking care of those quality concerns for its users sold me on the company and the product.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

Thanks to conversations with users, internal discussions, and our weekly show & tell, I think I’ve probably learned something new every day I’ve worked here!

A lot of that is work-related, like strategies for segmenting Expectation Suites and Checkpoints for something like test criticality or monitoring a pipeline’s interdependencies. 

But some of it’s not, like the most cost-effective methods for making yogurt at home.

Have you tried making yogurt at home? 

I have yet to actually try this, but it’s nice to know I have experts to consult should the need arise.

Light mode or dark mode?

Dark, but a toggle button will increase my page view time by at least 20%.

Where are you based geographically?

Thanks to our fully-remote structure I’ve been able to move back to San Diego, where I’m able to surf and walk to my favorite bookstore.

Interested in GX Cloud? Sign up for the Beta here

If you have questions about Cloud or the Cloud Beta, you can reach Matthew directly
@Matthew Lundgren on the GX community Slack.

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