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Everything you need to trust your data

GX Cloud has all of GX’s data quality capabilities in a fully-managed SaaS solution: easier deployment, easier scaling, and easier collaboration. Try it for yourself: GX Cloud is now in public preview.

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Make your data work for you

Move fast

Go from first login to first test result in minutes, with GX Cloud’s friendly UI and intuitive Expectations as the heart of building trust in your data, now. With built-in data exploration features, tools to generate pre-configured Expectations, and integration with top orchestrators, you can quickly deploy broad coverage of meaningful data quality checks.

Launch your data quality.

Unify technical teams

Spend more time solving problems and less lost in translation: everyone’s on the same page with the unifying processes of GX Cloud and its Expectations. It’s easy to find tests created by other team members and—since everyone’s using the same language and approach—to understand them without the overhead of explanatory meetings or poring over other peoples’ code.

Simplify your problem-solving.

Build technical + business harmony

Readable, plain-language test names and results, along with clear workflows in GX Cloud’s friendly UI, make it easy for stakeholders to participate meaningfully—and independently—in data quality. Stakeholders can navigate and contribute to GX Cloud without having to write a single line of code, and view results using business-friendly visualizations. With empowered stakeholders, you gain the foundation for a widespread, long-lasting data quality culture.

Create consensus about your data.

Improve your outcomes

When data’s at the center of everything, you need to be confident you’re getting real value out of it. Use GX Cloud to proactively make sure your data’s fit for purpose and prevent application and dashboard downtime, underinformed or misinformed decision-making, and other undesirable outcomes. The language of Expectations is comprehensible across team boundaries and for users of both upstream and downstream systems.

Ensure high-quality data for your dashboards, analytics, and production systems.


GX Cloud runs in line with the security and compliance protocols you already have: all the data you test stays on your systems. On top of in-place data processing, GX Cloud offers comprehensive security controls like role-based access management, end-to-end encryption, and more. Learn more about GX Cloud’s security controls and features.

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  • Can I use GX Cloud if I’m not already using GX?

    Yes! GX Cloud is designed to be quick and easy for new users to set up.

  • When should I use GX OSS vs GX Cloud?

    GX Cloud is built on top of GX OSS, so they have the same power in terms of data quality capabilities. 

    GX Cloud is the right choice for most people: as SaaS, it has extra features that help users set up faster by taking care of storage, user management, and hosting of Validation Results. GX Cloud also allows for more intense collaboration workflows around data quality, and particularly collaboration with nontechnical stakeholders with its UI. In addition to working with Data Assets and Expectations in the UI, you can also see enhanced visualizations, historical data, and Expectation changelogs.

    GX OSS is the best option when you need to BYOdB, have esoteric infrastructure requirements like air gap, or just can’t use cloud-hosted SaaS.

  • What kind of security does GX Cloud have?

    GX Cloud only stores metadata about your test results, never the actual data under test. This metadata is encrypted at rest using AES-256 and in transit using TLS 1.2. We also enforce tenant isolation both in the application and in the database via Postgres Row Level Security (RLS) rules. 

    For users, GX Cloud provides user management and RBAC functionality to allow user access to organizations. Within an organization, all users can see the GX objects and associated Validation Results.

    Additionally, GX as an organization has obtained our SOC 2 Type II certification; you can see details in the GX trust center.

  • Does GX Cloud store my data?

    No. GX Cloud can see the data in the tables you connect it to, but compute, including the direct connection to Data Sources and the processing of Validations, happens within your environment. GX Cloud does not pull the data under test into the application, and GX as an organization cannot see the data in your tables at any point.

    GX Cloud stores the test results and metadata needed to display your Validation Results and Data Docs, including table and column names.

  • Will you continue to support GX OSS?

    Yes. GX Cloud is built on GX OSS—OSS is the core of everything we do, and we’re committed to maintaining, developing, and improving it for the long haul. In fact, we’re in the middle of a major effort to improve it, in the form of GX 1.0.

  • How much does GX Cloud cost?

    Please visit our pricing page for more information.

  • What is public preview?

    Public preview is an intermediate step between the Beta program and making GX Cloud generally available: it allows us to gather broader feedback on GX from a wider variety of use cases.

    During public preview, GX Cloud is open to our community. You can create a GX Cloud account and start using it with Snowflake or Postgres in minutes, completely self-service.

Revolutionize your data collaboration

Ready to level up the data quality and collaboration at your organization?

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