
What’s new in GX: February 2024

The scoop on everything GX released into the wild last month

Erin Kapp
March 05, 2024
A wolf with ear tags is exiting a crate
Also released into the wild: this wolf. (📸: Jacob Frank, NPS, 2018)

GX Cloud

The biggest GX Cloud update: it’s now in public preview! Public preview means anyone can sign up for GX Cloud and start using it to validate their Snowflake or Postgres data sources.

We held our kickoff event on Wednesday, February 21, and we’re thrilled that so many of you came out to join us. If you weren’t able to make it, we’ve embedded a recording at the end of this post.

Some recent GX Cloud release notes of particular interest include:

  • New metrics for timestamp columns are now available (#9207)

  • Work on the expect_column_values_to_be_present_in_another_table Expectation continues (#9224 and others)

  • A bug that sometimes caused Validation Results to show duplicate Expectations has been fixed (#9533)

GX workshops

This month, we held our first-ever workshops for GX Cloud!

Our workshops give you hands-on experience with GX Cloud, guided by our developer advocates. By the end, you have all the skills you need to connect to and start testing your own Snowflake or Postgres data source.

Click here to see our current workshop options!


The vast majority of our effort on GX OSS is going into GX 1.0, and that work continues apace. We’re looking forward to getting it into your hands! Of note recently:

  • A bug that manifested as Hex notebook users being asked to reinstall GX has been fixed (#9428)

You can get the full GX changelog here.

Other GX news

Public preview event recording

If you weren’t able to attend our public preview kickoff live, you can catch up here!

The event featured:

  • A welcome from senior community product manager Mollie Pettit

  • An introduction to why we created GX Cloud from Abe Gong, GX’s CEO and cofounder

  • GX in action in a live demo from two of our senior developer advocates: Rachel House and Nevin Tan

  • Insight into what it’s like to use GX Cloud in production, in a customer conversation with Stavan Mehta of Altruist

  • A look into the future of GX Cloud in a roadmap presentation from Hernan Alvarez, GX’s VP of product

  • A live audience Q&A


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