Get started with GX Cloud by joining our bi-weekly hands on workshop.

A powerful, flexible data quality solution

Profile, test, and document with an open source platform developed by data engineers, for
data engineers.

Have confidence in your data

Get started quickly

Use GX OSS with tools you’re already familiar with, like Python and Jupyter notebook, as part of its developer-first experience. Its minimal technical prerequisites mean maximum readiness for use.

Jump in with confidence.

Create a shared point of view

Working with other technical teams can get complicated when everyone’s using different languages and approaching the same issues from different perspectives. Using GX OSS gives everyone a shared toolset and starting point while still allowing each team their own flexibility and independence.

Create consensus among your technical collaborators.

Communicate better

Stakeholder input is key to making sure your data quality meets the needs of—and is embraced by—the organization as a whole. Data Docs make it easy to work with stakeholders by automatically rendering business-ready visualizations and test results expressed in plain language. By using a common language, GX OSS frees you from translation efforts so you can focus on achieving mutual understanding.

Get in sync with business stakeholders.

Take action

Your data systems never sleep, so your data quality processes can’t either. Take proactive action 24/7 with GX OSS: it integrates with your orchestrator to enable automation that ensures your data never goes unchecked. And by defining Actions alongside your Expectations, you can prevent bad data from entering a data source, keep it from moving downstream, notify relevant teams about critical failures, and more—all at the moment it’s detected.

Get data quality where you need it, when you need it.

Read the docs

Getting started with GX OSS is fast and easy. This tutorial walks you through how to set up your first local deployment and validate some sample data.

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GX works with the tools you know and love.

Built on the strength of our ever-growing community

Our community is an inclusive space for data practitioners who want to improve data collaboration. With more than 11,000 data practitioners worldwide who have contributed to over 300 Expectations, our Slack community is the best place to get support from us and others working to maintain data quality at their organizations.

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Join us as we work toward a shared open standard for data quality

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